
Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Status of English in the USA

English has never had official status in the US. I was interested, therefore, in finding out which states, if any, had made English their official language. To my surprise, there were roughly half of the states with English having the designation of "official language." Even more surprisingly, such states as California and Florida, both with relatively large, Spanish-speaking Hispanic communities, have declared English as their official language.

Now, I know that the increasing prevalence of Spanish (and for that matter, other languages too) is upsetting various groups of people, most notably the hard-line Conservatives. And since there _is_ no federal official language, a lot of these same people are making it their business to have English claim that status.

How do I feel about it? I'm ambivalent. Really rather straddling the fence on this one--I just can't decide. Anyone who reads this: I would love to read your responses and get your takes on the situation. Should English be a federal official language?

Here's a link for a website advocating English as our federal official language:

US English | Making English the Official Language

I would like to hear opinions from everybody, regardless of which country they come from, or are living in now.


talvi said...

My two cents: no.

Silme said...

I come from a part of the world where having several official languages is common.