
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Channel Drama

12:37 < natsu> echo hi
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < Silme> calm down.
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:39 < natsu> echo Bzzt!
12:40 < natsu> Sorry
12:40 < natsu> I was testing something and it went nuts.

A while later: 
12:47 < natsu> I think I've accidentally put the whole channel on /ignore :/
12:47 < natsu> Sorry, Silme, I won't be able to see any of your text until I fix this. just wouldn't be the same without talvi :) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


"Dictionaries are always fun, but not always reassuring."
                                                                                          M.F.K. Fisher

Monday, June 18, 2012

Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia

Another amusing piece, this time focusing on the "lack" of vowels in Bosnia. (Bosnian, btw, is more or less just a dialect of Serbo-Croatian.)  It's an oldie but goodie. Originally it was on The Onion, but even after digging a little bit, I couldn't find it. So I had to use another link for your reading pleasure.

Clinton Deploys Vowels to Bosnia

Finnish As a World Language

Example from text:  "It is a concise language. One Finnish word can mean several different things in English. Why lose time and energy saying 'the committee that takes care of negotiations concerning the truce' when you can use a simple little word like 'aseleponeuvottelutoimikunta?'"

Friday, June 15, 2012

way back 8 years ago...
#Languages circa 20042004
This is a snapshot from way back in March 2004 of a program that drew links between channel participants ( It shows who was active at the time here in #languages